Your New Storefront

A customer walks into the store, browses through products and shelves, picks up items, inspects, considers the prices, chooses a product and takes it to the cash register to pay. Now if you want to sell your products online, then your site must be enabled for e-commerce, where you must have the following features: You…


Your First Small Business Website

When planning your first small business website, there are three essential questions you should ask yourself: Who is your target audience? How will your target audience find you? How will you convert your visitors into sales? These questions sound obvious, but it’s amazing how many people don’t bother…and then moan that “our website doesn’t bring…


Word Of Mouth Marketing

Sometimes the benefits of email marketing are quite different than anticipated. Most Internet marketers understand the basic concept of email marketing which is to email promotional materials to a large group of Internet users to promote an interest in your products or services. This concept is easy for many to understand but sometimes there are…


What Makes You Better?

Salespeople are frequently confronted by this question on sales calls, along with some others like “why should I buy from you/your company?” or “what makes you different?”. In fact, they have probably spent a lot of time at “Product Knowledge U” learning exactly how to answer these questions. In reality, answering questions like these usually,…


Selling Yourself

Because of the anonymous nature of the Internet people are generally more skeptical when it comes to doing business online. Owing partly to famous Internet scams sensationalized by the media and too bad personal experiences online, people are less likely to trust a party whom they’ve never met in person. As an online business, you…
