Fix Your Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

The shoppers are on your site, they are interested in the product, but the design of your shopping cart is causing you to lose many if not most of your customers. Sound familiar? It should. Recent research indicates that the average e-commerce site is losing near 60 percent of its shoppers during shopping cart phase…

Who is Your Audience?

Understanding the type of people who visit your site is a very important task because you can use that information to enhance your site to suit them. As a result, you will gain more loyal returning visitors that come back again and again for more. What is the age level and what kind of knowledge…

Keep Customers Coming Back

A lot of successful websites depend on returning visitors to account for a major part of their traffic. Returning visitors are easier to convert into paying customers because the more often they return to a site, the more trust they have on that site. The credibility issue just melts away. Hence, keep your visitors coming…

Eye on you

Making Money out of your Traffic

Establishing your own E-commerce site is not like what it used to be. There are thousands of competition that is all too willing to get a bigger share of the pie. Every scheme and method you can find to augment your sales would be very beneficial. We have got to admit to ourselves. Most of…