
Link Popularity

When it comes to Link popularity and its relevance to getting better traffic, we all know that it is a necessary thing. Link popularity is one of the ways that search engines like google and yahoo give your site better rankings. You can search through different sites advertising about link popularity that say they can…

Increase Traffic & Ranking

It is worth cataloging the basic principles to be enforced to increase website traffic and search engine rankings. Create a site with valuable content, products or services. Place primary and secondary keywords within the first 25 words in your page content and spread them evenly throughout the document. Research and use the right keywords/phrases to…

Tips for Every Website

Update the pages on your website frequently. Stagnant sites are dropped by some search engines. You can even put a date counter on the page to show when it was last updated. Offer additional value on your website. For affiliates and partners, you can place links to their sites and products and ask them to…

SEO a Must for Internet Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) should be considered a critical element of any Internet marketing strategy. This is important because there is so much which can be gained from SEO in terms of Internet marketing and advertising. Failure to optimize your website for search engines can result in a considerable loss in terms of free advertising…