
How to make your website more trustworthy

Trust is a factor in Google’s ranking algorithm. Reputable websites that can be trusted get better rankings than websites of dubious origin. Google does not want to show low-quality websites in the search results. For that reason, it is important that you can convince Google that your business is for real and that your website can…


More Traffic For Your Site

If your website traffic has suddenly come to a stand-still, you may need to give your site a marketing jump start. This is really directed towards Information Marketing (one of the best markets around) but can really be applied to anything. Here are a few ways to get your traffic flowing again.   Buy hits…


Reasons for a High Bounce Rate

A site’s bounce rate is the percentage of people who visit just one page on a site, then immediately go somewhere else. Your site could be the first result the search engines display for a given set of keywords, but it will get nowhere fast if most of your visitors don’t stick around. A high…


Link Popularity

When it comes to Link popularity and its relevance to getting better traffic, we all know that it is a necessary thing. Link popularity is one of the ways that search engines like google and yahoo give your site better rankings. You can search through different sites advertising about link popularity that say they can…

SEO Content

Creating Useful SEO Content

In this day and age, more and more operators of Internet-based business enterprises are understanding the value of well-crafted SEO content for their website venues. In this regard, there are some important pointers and tips that you need to keep in mind when it comes to the creation of useful and viable SEO content for…

Selling Yourself

Selling Yourself

Because of the anonymous nature of the Internet people are generally more skeptical when it comes to doing business online. Owing partly to famous Internet scams sensationalized by the media and too bad personal experiences online, people are less likely to trust a party whom they’ve never met in person. As an online business, you…