Color Theory

Color Theory – Choosing Your Website Colors

Is the choice of colors for your website and print materials more than just a matter of personal preference? Does it really matter what color choices you make? Will your audience really feel differently because of the color combinations? The answer to all these questions is Yes, Yes, and Yes! Color is considered emotional because…

Bridging to Success

Share Success With Others To Get More Visitors!

Networking with others is very important. Getting good contacts will increase your companies chances of obtaining some great, pre-qualified referrals. I have not heard of one company online that has ever made it on its own without any outside help. Sharing business ideas with others increases your chances of success. Yahoo Inc, a household name,…

Blogging Tips

Three Blogging Tips

This article is not intended to provide you with a host of blogging tips, but simply to guide those of you who have either just started or have been blogging for a while but have some bad habits. Bad blogging habits are easy to get into, and one of the worst is to leave your…

Statistics and Analytics

Analyzing Traffic

Most web hosting companies will provide you with basic web traffic information that you then have to interpret and make pertinent use of. However, the data you receive from your host company can be overwhelming if you don’t understand how to apply it to your particular business and website. Let’s start by examining the most…


Writing Emails with A Purpose

How many times have you seen it? You open your inbox just to see another long, seemingly endless list of emails. You cautiously open each one, giving “some” of them 10-20 seconds of a quick scan. If something captures your interest, you read on. If not, it’s a quick click (delete key) and you move…

Eye on you

Why Your Site is Not Making Money

Many people often asked, “Why am I not getting sales, nobody is signing up, I am not making any money, what is going wrong?” Something is actually wrong. You see, when you’ve developed a product, registered a domain name, host your site, and solved issues like a payment processor, you have to wait for the…

SSL Certificate

SSL Certificates… Necessity for Websites

Organizations are one of the major segments, which need to maintain the unswerving, outmoded and highly secure system, which can protect sensitive & Personal data of the customers and others who are attached to it. Why does your website need an SSL Certificate?It should ensure the safety and security of the data shared online. Any…