
How to make your website more trustworthy

Trust is a factor in Google’s ranking algorithm. Reputable websites that can be trusted get better rankings than websites of dubious origin. Google does not want to show low-quality websites in the search results. For that reason, it is important that you can convince Google that your business is for real and that your website can…

90’s Web Design

A look back at 90’s web design, and a warning to anyone whose website is an accidental anachronism. Remember the days when every PC was beige, every website had a little Netscape icon on the homepage, Geocities and Tripod hosted just about every single personal homepage, and “Google” was just a funny-sounding word? The mid-late…

Your Website Needs a Physical Address

I see it happening all the time… websites with no physical mailing address. It’s as if they don’t exist anywhere but in the scary world of cyberspace. I say scary because that’s exactly what a high percentage of the web browsing population thinks of the Internet. When these people are looking to purchase a product…


In the past, SEO was simply a tool brand employed to drive traffic to their websites. Yet, in the past year alone, SEO has incurred dramatic changes that have altered its primary functions. SEO is more than simply a vehicle for driving traffic; it is transforming into a supportive mechanism for brand-building and 2013 is…

The Importance of a Good Design

Many of you will recall that old saying “you can’t judge a book by its’ “cover”. But people do judge you by your “online cover”. Your website is the “cover” of your online business, as it is the virtual representation of your company. When you are doing business online you don’t have the luxury of…

Blog Design

Blogs have increased popularity over this past years. Many people have started to create their personal blogs to express their thoughts and feelings. Internet companies have also started their blogs to inform consumers on the latest product news and reviews. Because of this, blogs are also being used as internet marketing media. Before, internet marketing…