Report Abuse

N3RD Media has a zero-tolerance policy for spam and a public track record of responsively and responsibly taking action when we discover spam from domains registered or hosted with us. Our team monitors the use of our system and services to ensure they are not used for the purpose of sending out unsolicited email.

If you would like to report spam for a domain registered in our system, please provide the required information requested below. Our team will investigate within the next 24 business hours. Please keep in mind:

  • We will not contact you unless we need more information.
  • Your message will be evaluated for merit and acted on where appropriate.
  • We may contact the reseller about the abuse report if that domain name is registered through a partner.
  • We reserve the right to use your notice to substantiate the abuse to the domain name registrant.
  • You may not receive a reply or update from us unless additional information is needed.

We take abuse very seriously and investigate every incident that is reported. Please provide the following required details so that our team can research your complaint.

Spam & Malware

N3RD Media has a zero-tolerance policy for spam and a public track record of responsively and responsibly taking action when we discover spam or security issues with systems registered or hosted with eNom.

  • Working closely with many Internet security organizations, we share information critical to combating spam and malware across the Internet. Collaborating with companies like Spamhaus, HostExploit, Arbor, NetCraft, Google and many others, we actively strive to make the Internet a safer environment for consumers.
  • We monitor the use of our system and services to ensure they are not used for the purpose of sending out unsolicited email. And we have taken measures to prevent the abuse of our registration engine, web hosting, and DNS services at a transaction’s point of origin doing our part to eliminate spam.
  • N3RD Media works with HostExploit to establish accurate and reliable measurements of spam and malware activities on our systems and our efforts have resulted in our systems being relatively free of harmful spam and malware, as reported by HostExploit.
  • N3RD Media investigates and takes appropriate action with every Spam or security report that we receive.